Apartments in New Orleans, Louisiana

Event Calendar

April 2024

  • April Fool's Day

    April Fool's Day sometimes called All Fools' Day, is one of the most light hearted days of the year. Its origins are uncertain. Some see it as a celebration related to the turn of the seasons, while others believe it stems from the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar which replaced the Julian Calendar. The new calendar called for New Year's Day to be celebrated Jan. 1. That year, France adopted the reformed calendar and shifted New Year's day to Jan. 1. According to a popular explanation, many people either refused to accept the new date, or did not learn about it, and continued to celebrate New Year's Day on April 1. Other people began to make fun of these traditionalists, sending them on "fool's errands" or trying to trick them into believing something false. Eventually, the practice spread.

    The Apex - New Orleans, LA

  • National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

    National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day is celebrated annually on April 2nd. This food holiday is a classic favorite of many. The average American will have eaten over 2000 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by the time they graduate from high school. It is thought to be that the first reference of peanut butter paired with jelly on bread, was published in the United States in 1901. Peanut butter was considered a delicacy in the early 1900's, and was only served in New York City’s finest tea rooms. In the late 1920's, the price of peanut butter declined, and the sandwich became very popular with children. During World War II, both peanut butter and jelly were part of the US soldiers military ration list. Today, it is a popular staple in most households--loved by most everyone.

    The Apex - New Orleans, LA

  • Today in History

    The Pony Express was started due to the need for faster communication with California and the West. The service officially opened on April 3, 1860, when riders left simultaneously from St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California. Young, often teenage, lightweight riders were hired for the job. Due to the dangers of the job, orphans were preferred. One of the most famous Pony Express riders was Buffalo Bill Cody. Although the express route was extremely hazardous, only one mail delivery was ever lost. The Pony Express lasted only nineteen months, from April 3, 1860 to October 24, 1861. The completion of the Pacific Telegraph line ended the need for its existence. The first westbound trip was made in 9 days and 23 hours and the eastbound journey in 11 days and 12 hours. Today, an email can make the same the same trip in a matter of seconds.

    The Apex - New Orleans, LA

  • Earth Day

    In September 1970, at a conference in Seattle, Washington, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin announced that in the spring of 1970 there would be a nationwide grassroots demonstration on the environment. Senator Nelson first proposed the nationwide environmental protest to thrust the environment onto the national agenda. "It was a gamble," he recalls, "but it worked." Each year, the April 22 Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Earth Day is the only event celebrated simultaneously around the globe by people of all backgrounds, faiths and nationalities. More than a half billion people participate in Earth Day Network campaigns every year. These campaigns promote healthy, sustainable environments, using clean energy, and encouraging recycling efforts.

    The Apex - New Orleans, LA

  • Administrative Professional Day

    Formerly known as Secretary's Day is an unofficial secular holiday observed on the Wednesday of the last full week of April, to recognize the work of secretaries, administrative assistants, receptionists, and other administrative support professionals. Over the years, Administrative Professionals Week has become one of the largest workplace observances. The event is celebrated worldwide, bringing together millions of people for community events, social gatherings, and individual corporate activities recognizing support staff with gifts of appreciation. In the United States, the day is often celebrated by giving one's assistant such gifts as flowers, candy, trinkets, lunch at a restaurant, or time off.

    The Apex - New Orleans, LA

  • Arbor Day

    Arbor Day is a nationally-celebrated observance that encourages tree planting and care. Founded by J. Sterling Morton in Nebraska in 1872, National Arbor Day is celebrated each year on the last Friday in April. Morton first proposed Arbor Day as a tree planting holiday in 1872, at a meeting of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. On the first Arbor Day, April 10 1874, prizes were offered to counties and to individuals for properly planting the largest number of trees. It was claimed that more than 1 million trees were planted in Nebraska on that day.

    The Apex - New Orleans, LA